Tout publié par submarine2012
details constructifs essentieles pour les ingenieurs
salut I-Détails Constructifs métalliques, de béton et mixtes 1-Planchers mixtes http://detailsconstructifs.cype.fr/EAM.html 2-Stucture métallique http://detailsconstructifs.cype.fr/EAG.html 3- Structure métallique. Profondeur de pénétration dans Fondation http://detailsconstructifs.cype.fr/EAC.html 4-Dalles de Fondation http://detailsconstructifs.cype.fr/CSL.html 5-Semelles de fondation http://detailsconstructifs.cype.fr/CSZ.html 6-Murs de Contention http://detailsconstructifs.cype.fr/CCM.html 7-Ecrans http://detailsconstructifs.cype.fr/CCP.html 8-Planchers Réticulés http://detailsconstructifs.cype.fr/EHR.html 9-Planchers Unidirectionnels http://detailsconstructifs.cype.fr/EHU.html 10-Planchers Dalles http://detailsconstructifs.cype.fr/EHL.html 11-Escaliers http://detailsconstructifs.cype.fr/EHZ.html 12-Rampes http://detailsconstructifs.cype.fr/EHI.html 13-Détails Spéciaux. Poteaux. Poutres maîtresses http://detailsconstructifs.cype.fr/EDX.html II-Détails constructifs de planchers inclinés 1-Planchers Inclinés. Planchers Dalles http://detailsconstructifs.cype.fr/FIL.html 2-Planchers Inclinés. Réticulés http://detailsconstructifs.cype.fr/FIR.html 3-Planchers Inclinés. Unidirectionnels http://detailsconstructifs.cype.fr/FIU.html 4-Planchers Inclinés. Détails Spéciaux. Poteaux. Poutres maîtresses http://detailsconstructifs.cype.fr/FIX.html :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Question sur la ponderation poids propre sur robot
salut a propos le robot je vous signale que des que vous creez le premier charge permanent dans le cas des charges il lu donne directement l'indice poids propre directement sans que vous faire intervenir le charge manuelle ......
etude d'un batiment d'habitation R+2
veuillez nous envoyé le plan *.dwg pour que nous puisse t'aidez
Un site pour formation AutoCAD
aussi , http://www.bestlearn.110mb.com/ contients des toturiaux en arabe bien expliqué
coffrage tunnel
Tunnelling: Management by Design Alan Muir Wood " Tunnelling: Management by Design" Taylor & Francis | 2000-06-05 | ISBN: 0419232001 | 256 pages | PDF | 5 MB This book covers all the main aspects of tunnelling: planning; studies which contribute to the viability of a tunnel project; the technical aspects of design; the management of construction; overall project management; a review of recent tunnel failures; and issues regarding dispute resolution and prevention. The concept of design is defined in detail and related to systems and to risk, the final chapter discusses the failures in 1994 of railway tunnels at Heathrow Airport. Tunnelling has become a fragmented process, excessively influenced by lawyers' notions of confrontational bases. This prevents the pooling of skills, essential to the achievement of the designers' objectives. Tunnelling: Management by Design seeks to reverse this trend, and provides a comprehensive description of successful tunnelling practice. http://depositfiles.com/files/cvjovb0f9 ou http://www.uploading.com/files/YPLF9XCO/Tunnellin.zip.html ou http://rapidshare.com/files/165623267/TunManag.rar ou http://letitbit.net/download/2941ae181064/Tunnellin.zip.html
comment désinstaler robot
entrez ici SVP: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=4648
Solving Vibration Analysis Problems using MATLAB
Rao V. Dukkipati “Solving Vibration Analysis Problems using MATLAB" New Age International (P) Ltd. | 2007 | ISBN: 9788122424270 | 234 pages | PDF | 3,1 MB http://depositfiles.com/files/epfax2546 ou http://w15.easy-share.com/1702408689.html ou http://letitbit.net/download/ecde947664 ... b.rar.html ou http://www.uploading.com/files/TQYQGF6B ... b.rar.html
MATLAB Codes for Finite Element Analysis: Solids and Structu
A. J. M. Ferreira “MATLAB Codes for Finite Element Analysis: Solids and Structures" Springer | 2008-11-01 | ISBN: 1402091990 | 248 pages | PDF | 2,7 MB http://depositfiles.com/files/ditb2il1m ou http://w15.easy-share.com/1702408796.html ou http://letitbit.net/download/7f9db57238 ... d.rar.html ou http://www.uploading.com/files/ELNH51CX ... d.rar.html
- Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009
Arch View
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AutoCAD: Professional Tips and Techniques
Lynn Allen, Scott Onstott, AutoCAD: Professional Tips and Techniques Wiley Publishing | 2007 | ISBN: 0470084545 | 339 pages | PDF | 15.9 MB Two AutoCAD experts distill years of combined experience into hundreds of the most useful AutoCAD tips and techniques you'll ever find. Fun, easy to read, and packed with information, this beautiful guide equips you with inside tricks on critical AutoCAD features and functions--all in fast, easy-to-digest nuggets. Discover keyboard shortcuts and little-known system variables or punch up your style with expert tips on visualizing, publishing, and 3D modeling. No matter what your experience level, you're sure to increase productivity and master professional-level techniques with this lively, practical book. * Tweak Windows® and AutoCAD to get the UI you want * Handle layers and select objects like a pro * Create dimensions, hatch patterns, and text correctly the first time * Comprehend the complexities of Sheet Sets and Paperspace * Unleash the power of dynamic blocks * Get visualization tips from the experts * Plot or publish in the background while you keep drawing * Take control of AutoCAD with customization techniques * Master the friendly new world of 3D in AutoCAD 2007 http://depositfiles.com/en/files/hog3zdyar. ou http://w18.easy-share.com/1702361897.html
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De l'interface windows XP anglais en francais sans formater.
salut pour ces qui veulent transformer l'interface de windows XP anglais en francais telecharger ce fichier et installez le http://www.4shared.com/file/16645986/c4ec168c/INTERFACE_FR_Win_XP.html?dirPwdVerified=eb62f75b puis allez au panneau de configuration ------>options regionales et linguistiques------>langues--------> en bas vous trouvez un nouveau outils ou il est ecrit"langue utilisé dans les menus boites de dialogue"--------> change la en "francais" puis redemarrer le Pc maintenant le windows XP devient francais
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Club de l' U.L.T (université libre de Tunis):
salut question SVP: un ami diplomé de ISET(session 2000) et desire poursuivre ces etudes en ULT en titre ingenieur il veut savoir alors: -Montant annuelle des etudes -Condition d'admission merci d'avance
Ventilation of Buildings
Hazim Awbi “Ventilation of Buildings" Spon Press | 2003-07-29 | ISBN: 0415270561 | 528 pages | PDF | 5,1 MB Hazim Awbi's Ventilation of Buildings has become established as the main text on the subject. This revised new edition builds on the basic principles and draws in the results of considerable new research in the field. A new chapter on natural ventilation is added. Recent developments in ventilation concepts and room air distribution are also included. The text is intended for the practitioner in the building services industry or the architect, the postgraduate student undertaking courses or research in HVAC, building services engineering, or building environmental engineering, and the undergraduate studying building services as a major subject. Readers are assumed to be familiar with the basic principles of fluid flow and heat transfer and some of the material requires more advanced knowledge of partial differential equations which describe the turbulent flow and heat transfer processes of fluids. The book is both a presentation of the practical issues that are needed for modern ventilation system design and a survey of recent developments in the subject http://depositfiles.com/files/fv4txqtok ou http://w14.easy-share.com/1702126856.html ou http://letitbit.net/download/de99dc436681/VentBuild.zip.html
un numero d'un magazine parlant de ARCHICAD 12
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France: A Reference Guide from the Renaissance to the Presen
William J. Roberts “France: A Reference Guide from the Renaissance to the Present" Facts on File | 2004-07 | ISBN: 0816044732 | 714 pages | PDF | 35,5 MB http://depositfiles.com/files/8886518 ou http://w17.easy-share.com/1702049217.html ou http://www.filefactory.com/file/966138/n/FrancGuid_zip
AutoDWG VectorNow 1.0 | 5,15 MB
AutoDWG VectorNow 1.0 | 5,15 MB VectorNow is a raster to vector converter, that convert BMP, TIFF, GIF, JPG file into editable DWG/DXF file. Key Features - Create editable lines by the original image, no AutoCAD requested. - Input image file: Scanned drawings or any images in formats of BMP, JPG (JPEG), GIF, TIF (TIFF), PNG, etc. - Color or black-and-white image with gray stages is also supported. - Solid raster vectorization supported. - Output file: DWG or DXF in editable vector, which can be saved as AutoCAD R14~2009. - Stratified by color in converted drawing. - Output line type: center line or outline. - Easy to use, no complicated settings. http://www.rapidshare.com/files/155420348/vecsnoe.rar
Extracting Audio track from a Movie File
Easy CD-DA Extractor Professional v.11.0.0 Build 1 http://rapidshare.com/files/70527449/Ea ... .0.0.1.zip
Modeling of asphalt concrete
Y. Richard Kim “Modeling of asphalt concrete" McGraw-Hill Professional | 2008-08-06 | ISBN: 007146462X | 460 pages | PDF | 4,69 MB http://w13.easy-share.com/1702005012.html An Expert Guide to Developing More-Durable and Cost-Effective Asphalt Pavements Written by distinguished experts from countries around the world, Modeling of Asphalt Concrete presents in-depth coverage of the current materials, methods, and models used for asphalt pavements. Included is state-of-the-art information on fundamental material properties and mechanisms affecting the performance of asphalt concrete, new rheological testing and analysis techniques, constitutive models, and performance prediction methodologies for asphalt concrete and asphalt pavements. Emphasis is placed on the modeling of asphalt mixes for specific geographic/climatic requirements. In light of America's crumbling infrastructure and our heavy usage of asphalt as a paving material, this timely reference is essential for the development of more-durable and cost-effective asphalt materials for both new construction and rehabilitation. Harness the Latest Breakthroughs in Asphalt Concrete Technology: • Asphalt Rheology • Constitutive Models • Stiffness Characterization • Models for Low-Temperature Cracking • Models for Fatigue Cracking and Moisture Damage • Models for Rutting and Aging
si quelqu'un peut me faire l'affaire....SVP
alors les amis par de reponce.....