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Civil Engineer's Illustrated Sourcebook
Civil Engineer's Illustrated Sourcebook Auteur: Robert O. Parmley Edition: McGraw-Hill Professional Pages:715 Format :pdf Packed with 900 informative illustrations!: PLANNING Technical Reports Project Scheduling Field Reconnaissance Surveying and Mapping Public Meetings Regulatory Approvals Cost Estimating DESIGN Title Sheet organization Buildings Water Supply and Distribution Fire Protection Wastewater Collection and Treatment Storm Water Systems Dams and Reservoirs Streets, Roads, and Highways Bridges Airports Athletic Facilities Trailer Courts and Campgrounds Retrofitting and Rehabilitation Specialized Projects Standard Details and Specifications BIDDING PROCESS Bidding Documents Advertising and Bid Openings Construction Contracts CONSTRUCTION Preconstruction Conferences Shop Drawings Safety, Inspection, and Testing Construction Staking Close-Out SUPPLEMENTAL Technical Reference
Béton Armé Guide de Calcul
Béton Armé Guide de Calcul Ce livre, conçu pour permettre le travail de l'étudiant en autonomie, présente les connaissances de base indispensables à la détermination des sections d'armatures des ouvrages élémentaires d'une structure porteuse tels que semelles, poteaux, poutres, planchers. Il traite également des méthodes de vérification des contraintes du béton et de l'acier dans une section fléchie. Il utilise des méthodes simples faisant appel au calcul classique et à l'utilisation des tableaux avec leur mode d'exploitation. Il suit les dernières réglementations en vigueur et précise les dispositions constructives Auteur : Jacques L,Hemri Renaud Edition : Foucher Pages:135 Format: pdf Language:Frensh Télécharger ce livre électronique : Béton Armé Guide de Calcul
Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering
Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering Auteur: Braja M. Das Edition :Newnes pages: 637 Format :pdf language :English Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering combines the essential components of Braja Das' market leading texts, Principles of Geotechnical Engineering and Principles of Foundation Engineering. The text includes the fundamental concepts of soil mechanics as well as foundation engineering without becoming cluttered with excessive details and alternatives. Foundations. features a wealth of worked out examples, as well as figures to help students with theory and problem solving skills. Das maintains the careful balance of current research and practical field applications that has made his books the leaders in the field. Download this e-book : Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering
Surveying With Construction Applications 7th edition
Surveying With Construction Applications 7th edition Auteur: Barry Kavanagh Edition: Prentice Hall Pages:709 Format :pdf language :English Known for its state-of-the-art coverage and clear, concise approach, Surveying with Construction Applications, Seventh Edition covers the latest advances and foundational principles of surveying. Emphasizing instrumentation technology, field data capture, and data-processing techniques, this text highlights real-world applications of surveying to the construction and engineering fields. Ideal as a reference in the field, additional complexities in electronic distance measurement and the order of presentation of surveying topics have been revised in this edition. All state Departments of Transportation (DOTs) in the U.S. and the provincial Transportation Highways Departments in Canada conduct extensive training sessions for their large staffs. This book covers topics that are taught in these training sessions, in addition to all of the introductory topics needed for survey training. Download this e-book : Surveying With Construction Applications
Structure and Performance of Cements
Structure and Performance of Cements Auteur : J.Bensted, P.Barnes Edition :SponPress Pages: 584 Format: pdf Language:English Drawing together a multinational team of authors, this second edition of Structure and Performance of Cements highlights the latest global advances in the field of cement technology. Three broad categories are covered: basic materials and methods, cement extenders, and techniques of examination. Within these categories consideration has been given to environmental issues such as the use of waste materials in cement-burning as supplementary fuels and new and improved methods of instrumentation for examining structural aspects and performance of cements. This book also covers cement production, mineralogy and hydration, as well as the mechanical properties of cement, and the corrosion and durability of cementitious systems. Special cements are included, along with calcium aluminate and blended cements together with a consideration of the role of gypsum in cements. Structure and Performance of Cements is an invaluable key reference for academics, researchers and practitioners alike. Download this ebook : Structure and Performance of Cements
Traces Atelier Geometrie Tome 1
Traces Atelier Geometrie Tome 1 Auteur : Pierre Ricaud Edition : H.Vial Pages:217 Format: pdf Language:Français Sommaire : Géométrie généralités Le point La droite (horizontale, verticale, répartitions) Les parallèles (fabrication d’un trusquin de menuisier) Les perpendiculaires (tracés, fabrication d’équerres en bois) Les angles (méthodes de traçage, reporter un angle, ouverture des porte) Les triangles Les quadrilatères : le carré Les quadrilatères : le losange Les quadrilatères : le rectangle Les quadrilatères : le trapèze Le parallélogramme Géométrie et perspective Télécharger ce livre électronique : Traces Atelier Geometrie
Civil Engineer's Illustrated Sourcebook
Civil Engineer's Illustrated Sourcebook Auteur: Robert O. Parmley Edition: McGraw-Hill Professional Pages:715 Format :pdf Packed with 900 informative illustrations!: PLANNING Technical Reports Project Scheduling Field Reconnaissance Surveying and Mapping Public Meetings Regulatory Approvals Cost Estimating DESIGN Title Sheet organization Buildings Water Supply and Distribution Fire Protection Wastewater Collection and Treatment Storm Water Systems Dams and Reservoirs Streets, Roads, and Highways Bridges Airports Athletic Facilities Trailer Courts and Campgrounds Retrofitting and Rehabilitation Specialized Projects Standard Details and Specifications BIDDING PROCESS Bidding Documents Advertising and Bid Openings Construction Contracts CONSTRUCTION Preconstruction Conferences Shop Drawings Safety, Inspection, and Testing Construction Staking Close-Out SUPPLEMENTAL Technical Reference Download this book : Civil Engineer's Illustrated Sourcebook
Mémotech Génie Civil
you re welcome
Mémotech Génie Civil
Mémotech Génie Civil Auteur :Jean-Marc Destrac,D Lefaivre,Y Maldent Edition: Casteilla Pages:236 Format:pdf Sommaire Travaux de terrassement Fondations, ouvrages de soutènement Porteurs verticaux Planchers et dallages Charpentes en bois Couverture Etanchéité des toitures terrasses Cloisons Plafonds Menuiserie du bâtiment Bardages et vêtures Escaliers et ascenseurs -Isolation thermique Chauffage Plomberie et sanitaire Electricité dans les bâtiments d'habitation Isolation acoustique Aération et ventilation Assainissement Prévention incendie Peintures et revêtements Voirie et réseaux divers Routes Ouvrages d'art Construction métallique Charges diverses Statique Cinématique et dynamique Résistance des matériaux Thermique Mécanique des sols Béton armé L'entreprise et l'acte de construire Eléments d'étude de prix Essais de laboratoire Topographie Télécharger ce livre: Mémotech Génie Civil
Guide du Constructeur en Bâtiment
Guide du Constructeur en Bâtiment Auteur : Robert Adrait,Jean-Paul Battail,Daniel Sommier Edition: Hachette Technique Pages:339 Format: pdf Le Guide du Constructeur en Bâtiment, véritable livre electronique de référence, met à la disposition des lecteurs un ensemble d'informations permettant les apprentissages du dessin et de la technologie de la réalisation de projets de bâtiment et de génie civil : les conventions de dessins de tous les corps d'états ; les données technologiques illustrées, des principaux ouvrages du bâtiment ; .les éléments de calcul des ouvrages (charges, neige, vent, thermique, acoustique) , les caractéristiques des principaux matériaux de construction (liants, isolants, bois, métal, etc.) , un aide-mémoire concernant les tracés, les formules et les unités en usage dans le bâtiment. Sa présentation pédagogique favorise une bonne acquisition des renseignements essentiels nécessaires à la construction d'un ouvrage. Il contient la liste des principaux sites Internet de la construction. Télécharger ce livre électronique: Guide du Constructeur en Bâtiment