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Numerical Computing with Matlab


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posté par noor007


Numerical Computing with Matlab

Society for Industrial Mathematics | 2004-01-01 | ISBN: 0898715601 | 348 pages | PDF | 3,5 MB

The book makes extensive use of computer graphics, including interactive graphical expositions of numerical algorithms. It provides more than 70 M-files, which can be downloaded from the text Web site Many of the numerous exercises involve modifying and extending these programs. The topics covered include an introduction to MATLAB; linear equations; interpolation; zeros and roots; least squares; quadrature; ordinary differential equations; Fourier analysis; random numbers; eigenvalues and singular values; and partial differential equations. Motivating applications include modern problems from cryptography, touch-tone dialing, Google page-ranking, atmospheric science and image processing, as well as classical problems from physics and engineering.

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