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How to Monetize Your Opt in Email List


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As soon as you've built up a  Hong Kong Phone Number List decent size list of subscribers and are providing them with a regular newsletter containing useful and interesting content, you'll be in a good position to start thinking about increasing the various ways to monetize your opt in email list. While your main goal of an email newsletter is to provide useful content to your subscribers Hong Kong Phone Number List while quietly promoting your own business, Hong Kong Phone Number List once your list has reached several hundred or even several thousand subscribers (depending on the nature of your business), it's viable to start thinking about featuring other people's businesses and products in Hong Kong Phone Number List your newsletter and make money from doing so.

 Below are 10 different ways you can monetize your opt in email list: 1. Hong Kong Phone Number List A quick way to make some extra money from your list is to feature other people's products in your newsletter. To do this, simply join affiliate programs and feature the company's products in your newsletter. Test the products and Hong Kong Phone Number List write well balanced and unbiased product reviews and editorials about the products. 2. Sell newsletter space for banner and classified ads. Banner ads will work with HTML formatted newsletters but not with plain text format. Hong Kong Phone Number List Classified ads will work in any newsletter format. 3. Hong Kong Phone Number List Set-up a section dedicated to book reviews and review books relevant to your business niche.

 Add affiliate links to the Hong Kong Phone Number List Amazon bookstore where your readers can find the books you're reviewing. This won't make you a lot of money, but it will contribute to your bottom line and provide interesting content for your readers. 4. Find other good quality newsletters in a similar niche to your own which has a good-sized list of subscribers and set Hong Kong Phone Number List up an article exchange. Send out one of his or her articles to your list and have him or her send out one of your articles to his or her list. This is a good way to Hong Kong Phone Number List leverage the value of your opt in email list without compromising the privacy of your readers. 

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