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Concrete Design And Construction For Enginneer


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posté par bentafat rachid

Concrete made with portland cement is

widely used as a construction material

because of its many favorable characteristics.

One of the most important is

a large strength-cost ratio in many applications.

Another is that concrete, while plastic, may be cast

in forms easily at ordinary temperatures to produce

almost any desired shape. The exposed face

may be developed into a smooth or rough hard

surface, capable of withstanding the wear of truck

or airplane traffic, or it may be treated to create

desired architectural effects. In addition, concrete

has high resistance to fire and penetration of water.

But concrete also has disadvantages. An important

one is that quality control sometimes is not so

good as for other construction materials because

concrete often is manufactured in the field under

conditions where responsibility for its production

cannot be pinpointed. Another disadvantage is

that concrete is a relatively brittle material—its tensile

strength is small compared with its compressive

strength. This disadvantage, however, can be offset

by reinforcing or prestressing concretewith steel. The

combination of the two materials, reinforced concrete,

possesses many of the best properties of each

and finds use in a wide variety of constructions,

including building frames, floors, roofs, and walls;

bridges; pavements; piles; dams; and tanks

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